Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Deicide Australian Tour April 2009
April 04 - Transmission Room - Auckland, NZ
April 05 - QUT Guild Bar - Brisbane, AUS
April 06 - The Corner Hotel - Melbourne, AUS
April 07 - The Manning Bar - Sydney, AUS
April 08 - Capitol - Perth, AUS
Make sure you get out to one of the following shows!
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Live Review - Slipknot at Sheffield Arena - 12/12/08

Machine Head:
Live Review - The Wildhearts at Manchester Academy 2 - 7/12/08

The Wildhearts
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Satyricon Australian Tour 2009
Catch Satyricon at one of these venues in March.
Friday 20th - The Arena, Brisbane www.ticketek.com.au or 132 849 & www.oztix.com
Saturday 21st - Manning Bar, Sydney www.ticketek.com.au or ph 132 849 www.moshtix.com.au & www.custommade.com.au
Sunday 22nd - Billboard The Venue, Melbourne www.ticketek.com.au or ph 132 849 or www.moshtix.com.au and www.billboardthevenue.com.au
Monday 24th - The Capitol, Perth www.heatseeker.com.au & www.moshtix.com.au or Mills, Star Surf
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Phil Demmel Collapses onstage & MH cancel next 2 dates
Phil Demmel, Guitarist with Machine Head collapsed onstage during the end of the bands set in Sheffield. This news was posted on the bands official site on the same day.
Phil Demmel did indeed collapse onstage during Machine Head's second-to-last song Friday night in Sheffield, England. Says singer Robb Flynn, "He's doing much better now and taking it easy. As Phil has mentioned before, the doctors say he suffers from episodes of Cardiogenic Syncope and has for the last 17 years or so. We're all a little worried here in our camp, but Phil genuinely wants to carry on. It is a bit unclear to us as to why these keep happening, but at Phil's request, we will finish out all these dates through to Metallica in L.A.". Machine Head wish to extend our gratitude to the good people of Sheffield for their support and for being so understanding at the end of our show. Machine Head are still set to perform with Demmel at the last 2 remaining
stops in Antwerp and Luxembourg.
This is the second onstage incident in the past year that has caused worry within the Machine Head Camp. Causing the band to cancel the next 2 shows of the tour. Adam Duce, Machine Head Bassist, has posted the following on the bands official site:
After considering the seriousness of Phil's health condition, we all feel that skipping these last two shows is the best thing to do. It's a bummer to end this tour like this after doing 9 amazing weeks and 3 continents with Slipknot, but getting Phil back to the States to get checked out is the most important thing right now. Our sincerest thanks to Slipknot and Children of Bodom for their support and understanding, we understand that it's a big disappointment to the fans, and Phil is very sorry about it, but we all feel that his health and safety is most important at this time.
For more info and updates visit: Machinehead1.com
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Cradle of Filth - Godspeed on the Devil Down Under Australian tour
Just Say Rock Productions, together with Roadrunner Records Australia, proudly presents Cradle of Filth - Godspeed on the Devil Down Under Australian tour – in May 2009.
Conspicuously missing from our shores since 2000’s Midian tour, the highly successful extreme metal innovators from Suffolk, England will deliver their full theatrical rock show to Australian audiences who have been kept waiting in the depths of murky darkness for ‘ages’.
Touring on the back of their highly successful 8th album, Godspeed on the Devil’s Thunder (through Roadrunner), Cradle of Filth’s lavish musical arrangements and uncompromising persona are equally matched by a thrilling and dramatic live show.
A limited number of exclusive advance tickets are now on sale and available through www.justsayrock.com.au but dare we say, get in early because this is a tour that will unquestionably sell out!!!
Cradle of Filth - Godspeed on the Devil Down Under Australian tour. It’s one date with the devil that you don’t want to miss. You’ll be damned if you do…and if you don’t.
Friday 22 May – Metro City
146 Roe Street, Northbridge - 08 9228 0500
Sunday 24 May - Thebarton Theatre
112 Henley Beach Road, Torrensville - 08 8443 5255
Tuesday 26 May –Palace Theatre
20 Bourke St, Melbourne – 03 9650 0180
Thursday 28 May – The Metro
624 George Street, Sydney - (02) 9287 2000
Sunday 31 May – The Arena
210 Brunswick St, Fortitude Valley - 07 3252 5690
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Australian Summer Slaughter Tour
March 13 - The Manning Bar, Sydney
March 14 - The Red Room, Brisbane
March 15 - Fowlers Live, Adelaide
March 16 - Club Capitol, Perth (18+)
March 17 - The Corner Hotel, Melbourne (18+)

Whitechapel Australian tour
Formed in February 2006 Whitechapel seamlessly meld death metal, grind, and hardcore to create a blistering brand of modern death metal that leaves fans no other choice but to throw themselves into an uncontrollable frenzy.
Whitechapel stands out in today's overcrowded metal scene due in part to their ability to fuse memorable and even groovy riffs with crushing breakdowns, tremolo picking at neck breaking speeds, and incredibly evil and dissonant sounds. Their songs demand repeated listens and gang vocals at shows are common place. Metal Maniacs even took note of the band's unique approach to metal guitars and their incredible work ethic. "A noted characteristic is Whitechapel's three guitar assault; without a doubt an impressive apocalyptic sound. Propelled by the band's DIY ethics, Whitechapel is a driving force that will continue to grow through hard work and determination."
This is a band that is true to their music and honest in their delivery. They refuse to be ignored and will continue to bring their crushing metal to show after show until metal heads worldwide have experienced the manic intensity that is Whitechapel! The bands Metal Blade Records debut This is Exile is out now.
Whitechapel smash Australia for the first time with an amazing 13 shows covering all the major cities & many regional areas. With most shows catering for the all ages market, there is no reason for any metal fan in this country to miss out on the aurally assaulting experience that Whitechapel deliver.
Bring in the new year with a real bang & witness the new force of modern death!
January 6 - Brisbane - Guild BarJanuary 7 - Gold Coast - Logan Ent. Centre
January 8 - Sydney - Manning Bar
January 9 - Wagga Wagga - The Basement
January 10 - Canberra - The Basement
January 11 - Geelong - The National Hotel
January 12 - Ballarat - The Bended Elbow
January 13 - Melbourne - The Corner Hotel (early show)
January 13 - Melbourne - The Corner Hotel
January 14 - Mt. Gambier - The Old Jail
January 15 - Adelaide - Fowlers Live
January 16 - Perth - Amplifier Bar
January 17 - Perth - YMCA HQ Skatepark
Supported by Psycroptic and Dyscord Nationally, with extra local supports at each show.
Monday, 8 December 2008
Amon Amarth confirmed for BOA 2009!

Friday 14th August:
Live Review - Korpiklaani at Leeds Rio's 5/12/08

Nobody comes to a Korpiklaani show to stand still and hear songs that make you ponder all of life’s worries, if you do, then you’re at the wrong gig. No, everyone hear is in the mood for a good time and Korpiklaani deliver, as they always do, with their accordion and fiddle-tinged brand of folk-metal that is currently at an unprecedented height of popularity, particularly in the UK. The aforementioned ‘Wooden Pints’, along with good-time anthems like ‘Journey Man’, ‘Let’s Drink’ and ‘Happy Little Boozer’ bring the house down, but it’s a rousing finale of ‘Beer Beer’, complete with a stage invasion from the other bands on the bill (courtesy of the fact that it’s the last night of the tour) that really epitomises what Korpiklaani are all about – drinking, dancing and having fun. And to those who would sneer at Korpiklaani and the rest of the seemingly never ending collection of folk/battle/power metal bands emerging in the last few years as being ‘cheesy’ or ‘gimmicky’ miss the point entirely. Yes, Korpiklaani are probably the best of the bunch and many others (including tonight’s support acts) have a long way to go to catch them but what all of these bands epitomise is a simpler time, and one that, by the looks of it, was a whole lot more fun than what the 21st century has offered us so far and they’re contributions to bringing the happy element back to metal shows should be applauded and not casually overlooked. Thanks to bands like Korpiklaani, it’s now ok to have fun at metal gigs again and what can be wrong about that? After tonight, you can keep your ‘original’ or ‘technical’ bands because, for £15, many of us want to drink and dance to some actual songs and there’s no better soundtrack than Korpiklaani. Forget all the depressing ‘credit crunch’ rubbish and go see Korpiklaani and put a smile back on your face again – go on, you know you’ve wanted to for ages and remember, it’s now perfectly OK!
Live Review - Clutch at Leeds Cockpit 4/12/08

The support tonight comes from local lads Gentleman’s Pistols who live (literally) round the corner from the venue. It doesn’t take long to see why these guys are loved by record-label guru and Cathedral frontman Lee Dorrian as their mixture of stoner-rock groove and 70’s rock a la Free goes down an absolute treat tonight. Tracks like ‘Lady’ and ‘Widowmaker’ have the sort of bottom-end groove that would give the headliners tonight a run for their money. Album no. 2 is eagerly awaited, lads.
Well, Gentleman’s Pistols would’ve given the headliners a run for their money if Clutch weren’t one of the best live bands around today (and for the last several years). Though perhaps not the best time I’ve seen them, Clutch even at 95% are still leagues ahead of many of their peers and the reason this band are not far bigger than they are becomes even more mind-boggling. This band are not capable of playing a bad gig and singer Neil Fallon is in top-form and a serious contender for the best frontman award (if such a thing existed), his performance being almost preacher-like.
Unlike many bands, Clutch constantly change their setlist so you can see them on a regular basis and never get bored (take note, Machine Head) so of course, there’s always songs you wished they’d played and tonight we don’t get the awesome ‘Careful With That Mic’ or ‘10001110101’, but we are treated to such gems as ‘Texan Book Of The Dead’ and ‘Shogun Named Marcus’ alongside Clutch classics like ‘Cypress Grove’, ‘Burning Beard’ and of course, ‘The Mob Goes Wild’ which nearly takes the roof off the place and has lost none of its resonance, despite George W. Bush’s days being numbered. Forever the underdogs, long may Clutch continue not to care, and neither will we.
Friday, 5 December 2008
Live Review - Power Quest at Wakefield Strafford Arms 2/12/08

You’ve got to feel for Power Quest really. Given that they emerged around the same time as Dragonforce and that they are certainly no strangers to each other (keyboardist Steve Williams having played in Dragonheart – an early version of the band that was to become Dragonforce – and current ‘Force guitarist Sam Totman having played on Power Quest’s debut album are just two examples), it’s a bit disappointing that while Dragonforce have gone on to achieve world-beating status, Power Quest are still plugging away on the pub circuit. This is even more disappointing when you witness just how good Power Quest are live and the realisation that they are actually more musically diverse than their dragon-loving buddies sets in. The band are all great players with Steve’s keyboard skills rivalling that of a certain Ukrainian gentleman and singer Alessio’s voice reaching notes you would doubt the existence of. Unfortunately the Power Quest experience is hampered tonight by the fact they’re playing in an uncomfortably tiny venue and that said venue have seen fit to employ one of the worst soundmen to ever sit behind a desk – if this guy isn’t out of a job by the end of the night, there’s something seriously wrong – and a collection of Wakefield kids up past their bedtime who clearly don’t know the first thing about the etiquette of mosh-pitting.
Despite these problems however, Power Quest manage to deliver a quality performance. Songs like ‘Wings of Forever’, ‘Far Away’, ‘Edge of Time’ and ‘Find My Heaven’ are anthems that should be belted out in arenas, not your local watering hole but alas, maybe this is part of the appeal of a band like Power Quest – that you can go see them with 100 or so of your metal brethren and leave pleased in the knowledge that everyone else is missing out and that you’ve just been privileged to a performance not many get to see. However, for Power Quest’s sake, hopefully this will change as I’m sure we the enlightened few would gladly trade that status for the further success of one of the UK’s best, and most unsung, bands.
Hellfest 2009 - First Announcement

Saturday, 29 November 2008
SATYRICON (and Saxon?) confirmed for BOA 2009

The band credits their first album, Dark Medieval Times, with starting a black metal subgenre that they dubbed "medieval metal". The album showed off the fascination Satyricon had with the Middle Ages, along with raw black metal blastbeats produced by Frost, mixed with acoustic guitar and flute. On their next album, The Shadowthrone, this medieval spirit was continued. Satyricon’s third album, Nemesis Divina, contains Norwegian black metal influenced by medieval metal and was released in 1996. Rebel Extravaganza, Satyricon’s fourth album, was released in 1999. It contained more industrial metal influences then the previous albums.
Regarding one of their latest albums, Volcano, frontman Satyr stated in a press release / biography on their homepage that "the music is rock based but more extreme; it is black metal pushing the boundaries that began with bands like Venom and Bathory, reinventing ourselves based on a foundation of rock oriented black metal is our philosophy." It resulted in a total of 4 Awards for Volcano being, the Norwegian Grammy for "Best Metal Album", an Alarm award for "Fuel For Hatred" in the category for "Song of the Year", as well as The Alarm Award for "Metal Album of the Year" and The Oslo awards for "Best Overall Album".
SATYRICON – Pushing the Boundaries – BLOODSTOCK OPEN AIR 2009
In related news, it would also appear that Saxon are also playing BOA 2009 after an online self-confirmation from singer Biff Byford.
The line-up is now shaping up as follows:
FRIDAY 14th:
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter
SUNDAY 16th:
The Haunted
DAY TBC - Saxon
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Live Review - Airbourne at Leeds Met 18/11/08

Airbourne:On most nights and supporting most bands, the Stone Gods’ performance would have been easily enough to see them go home with the spoils but live, Airbourne really are something else. From the opening chords of ‘Stand Up For Rock N Roll’ right through until the end, the band never let up, cranking out one anthem after another and there’s actually a point during the awesome ‘Diamond In The Rough’ that you wonder if the venue can take it. The band are tight as hell tonight and it’s there’s something really enjoyable about watching a band who clearly believe in the quality of what they’re doing, what it represents and who are doing it purely because they love it – there’s no pandering to radio or record companies here, just a good old-fashioned rock n roll band doing what they do best. Frontman Joel O’Keefe seems like he’s been locked up backstage because as soon as he hits the stage, he’s like a whirlwind, drinking and headbanging the entire time, at one point climbing up to the balcony on the speaker stacks, it’s a wonder why more frontmen can’t be like this – every bit the rock star without trying to be. By the time the band are into their stride, the venue is nearly at bursting point and all this without mainstream media support and radio play – proof that good, honest rock n roll doesn’t need such avenues. What the crowd witness here tonight is nothing short of breathtaking and as one of us mused on the way out of the venue, this is what it must have been like for the previous generation seeing AC/DC in the seventies with Bon, and yes, it was that good. And so what if they sound like their countrymen, who cares when they’re this good? Give me a bunch of honest guys that sound like a great band such as AC/DC than any of the supposedly original screamo tosh that is currently bogging down the rock world in their whiny angst. Stand up for rock n roll – Airbourne do and the world is a better place for it.
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Full Metal Banquet - Sydney

Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Napalm Death/The Berzerker Edinburgh, Scotland CANCELLED
Gday all.
Im a few hrs away from getting on a plane. and Im f!!king pissed off about this one... let me tell you...
21 Nov 2008, 08:00 PM - CANCELLED! Studio 24 - Napalm Death
Edinburgh, Scotland
Only reason for the show being pulled was "the venue are going to run a club night instead."
If you have tickets. Phone the venue and complain.- Luke
Nice to see venues in Scotland putting live music first
And here's a list of the rest of the tour dates:
20 Nov 2008 Ivory Blacks with - Napalm Death,Glasgow, Scotland
21 Nov 2008 CANCELLED! Studio 24 - Napalm Death Edinburgh, Scotland
22 Nov 2008 DAMNATION FESTIVAL, Leeds UK - Carcass last ever show
24 Nov 2008 Barfly - Satyricon Birmingham
25 Nov 2008 Rio - Satyricon Leeds
26 Nov 2008 ULU - Satyricon London
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Metaholic Band Contest 2009!
So what is this contest I hear you cry? Well it is to coincide with the popular Eurovision Song Contest in May, but this contest is purely for metal bands and is open to bands across the world, not just Europe.
What do you get? A bit of extra publicity, something that money can’t buy! We will do an interview with the winners, and we will go out of our way to try to help this band out, whenever they need an extra push, we will bend over backwards to try to help them out. Unfortunately, we can’t offer any special prizes (we’re still only a small fanzine, and don’t have the funds or sponsorship to give you anything more than our time).
What do you need? You need to have your own Myspace page, and have some songs on your page for voters to check out. They won’t want to vote for a band that has nothing to show for themselves! You also need to have Metaholic Music on your Myspace friends list, http://www.myspace.com/metaholicmusic
We need your entries by the 31st of January 2009! We need your Myspace address, and we need to know which country you are from.
Voting on the band to represent each country will follow shortly after the closing date, and the final competition will run from 10th of May 2009 until 16th of May 2009, the date of the Eurovision song contest.
To enter your band, please send an email, with the subject matter “Metaholic Band Contest” by 31st January 2009 to:
Please include your:
Band Name:
Myspace Address:
So get emailing!!!
Keep it metal!
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Cult Of Luna Autralian Tour
Swedish metallers Cult Of Luna have announced that they will be heading Down Under for a tour in February.
The tour dates are as follows:
Thurs, Feb 12 Brisbane – The TivoliSat, Feb 14 Sydney - Manning Bar
Sun, Feb 15 Melbourne - The Hi-Fi
Tues, Feb 17 Adelaide – HQ
Wed, Feb 18 Perth - The Capitol
Tickets go on sale on Friday, November 14.


CANDLEMASS are an epic doom metal band from Sweden who have been hugely influential in the doom metal scene since their start in the early 1980's.
1986's Epicus Doomicus Metallicus birthed a new genre basically overnight and their far-reaching impact and legendary status has failed to wane ever since.
With their catalog 'scanning over 200,00 units in the U.S. alone, 2007's King Of The Grey Islands built upon this loyal fanbase and brought them Stateside for their first North American tour in over 17 years!
Now with new vocalist Rob Lowe (of Solitude Aeturnus fame), the band is once again poised to reign supreme.
01. Lucifer Rising
02. White God
03. Demon's Gate (Re-recording from '86 classic Epicus
Doomicus Metallicus)
Live in Athens 2007:
04. At The Gallows End
05. Solitude
06. Emperor Of The Void
07. Devil Seed
08. Mirror Mirror
09. Under The Oak
10. Of Stars And Smoke
11. Black Dwarf
12. Samarithan
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Alter Bridge at Manchester Apollo – 9/11/08

There’s notices around Manchester Apollo tonight informing everyone that former Darkness frontman Justin Hawkins’ new band ‘Hot Leg’ will not be performing “due to illness”. When this fact is announced from the stage by Logan (6/10) vocalist Kenny Collins, a large part of the crowd cheer in approval leaving you to wonder what sort of reception Hot Leg would’ve received tonight.
Because of Hot Leg’s no-show, both Logan and Alter Bridge (10/10) are given more time and while this is undoubtedly a good thing in the case of Alter Bridge, one is left wondering when it comes to Glaswegians Logan. While not bad, nearly all of the songs seem to merge into one another with only ‘Hallowed Ground’ standing out. This is down to both the slightly generic style of Collins’ vocals and the band’s post-grunge sound which is more Seattle than Scotland. Already veterans of the Alter Bridge support slot (and you can see why), Logan sound a little too like tonight’s headliners, albeit a not-as-good version and this puts them in a bit of a catch 22 – they can either continue playing it safe supporting bands like Alter Bridge but be doomed to be second best, or they can break out and try and make a name for themselves. However they will have to do better than they did tonight.
Alter Bridge however, are in a league of their own tonight. These are the biggest venues Alter Bridge have played in the UK so far and the band are definitely embracing this upward trajectory. Guitarist Mark Tremonti is once again outstanding, proving that he is one of the most consistently underrated players out there, a man who can out-play most others in his sleep, no question about it. Alter Bridge know how good they are tonight, with the biggest example of the band’s rise in confidence being personified in singer Myles Kennedy. No longer just a possessor of the best voice in rock right now, but Kennedy has matured into a world class frontman, swaggering around the stage with just the right amount of exuberance that never manifests into arrogance and also proving that he is no slouch on the guitar himself as many of the tracks aired tonight from latest album ‘Blackbird’ will show, particularly the title track which tonight borders on absolutely epic. The rest of the set too is nothing short of amazing with tracks like ‘Before Tomorrow Comes’, ‘Brand New Start’ and bona-fide rock anthem ‘Open Your Eyes’ moving you to places you never thought you’d go. The sheer quality of Alter Bridge’s material really does take your breath away and not only is it a mark of a truly great band that they recognise and fully embrace their own talents but they also have such (well justified) confidence in their latest material – 10 of the 17 songs aired tonight are from ‘Blackbird’ – that they can play for ninety minutes and there are still songs you wish they’d played. With any justice, those songs will soon be filling arenas in 2-hour sets.
Come To Life
Find The Real
Before Tomorrow Comes
Brand New Start
White Knuckles
Buried Alive
One Day Remains
Watch Over You
The Damage Done
Ties That Bind
In Loving Memory
Open Your Eyes
Broken Wings
Travelling Riverside Blues
Rise Today
Monday, 10 November 2008
In Flames Announce UK and Irish Dates
"In Flames are proud to announce a UK headline tour in April 2009.
This comes right after the amazing headline tour which was seen over 60 000 people all across Europe and 4 shows in the UK.
“We haven’t really done a proper UK headline tour but that’s something we always wanted to do so we are really looking forward to come over and play cities/venues we have never played before. The UK always treat us well and we love playing live there so see you in April UK” - In Flames
(Links to where you can buy tickets below each date)The dates:
Date City Venue
April 2009
15 Norwich Waterfront
16 Colchester Arts Centre
17 Brighton Concorde 2
18 Oxford Academy
19 Leeds Cockpit
21 Newcastle Academy 2
22 Dundee Fat Sams
23 Belfast Mandela Hall (Northern Ireland)
24 Dublin Academy (Ireland)
25 Cork Pavillion (Ireland)
27 Exeter Lemon Grove
http://www.exeterboxoffice.com http://www.seetickets.com
http://www.ticketweb.co.uk http://www.wegottickets.com
28 Cardiff University Solus
29 Cambridge Junction
30 Sheffield Corporation
MAY 2009
1 Liverpool Academy 2
2 Northampton Roadmender
Sunday, 9 November 2008
*FESTIVAL UPDATE* Bloodstock confirm 2 more bands!
Saturday, 8 November 2008
10 Years of Legacy - Festival from 20th to 23th May in Dessau
* Die Apoka
* Katak
* Winte
* Eisre
* Eluve
* Abort
* Endst
* Desas
* Lay Down Rotte
* Demon
* Faceb
* Tortu
will play the Legac
Nevermore - The Year Of The Voyager E-card
Clink the pictures below to also view the E-card, and a link to an exclusive pre-order deal.
Unleashed Hammer Battalion tour of Europe
Warriors of Midgard !!!
Friday the 14th of November is the start of the Hammer Battalion tour of Europe !
We are looking forward to meeting you all again and forming a number of local Hammer Battalions all over Europe just like we did in North America only a month ago.
Get ready for a crushing new setlist with a few surprises from the old days as well as a good number of songs from the brand new album.
Songs like "Warriors of Midgard", "Your Childern will burn", "In victory or defeat", and "Midvinterblot" are on the list to name just a few.
Join the battalion !!!
Johnny & The Boys

Full details on all shows unleashed will be playing can be found here. Make sure you get out to see this incredible band live!
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Mental Interrogation with Sanctum Incendia

Who? Ben Smith of Sanctum Incendia
Myspace: www.myspace.com/sanctumincendia
How long have you been playing together? Fraser (drums + backing keyboard) and I played in a band called WERG several years ago, but needless to say, we sucked. Majorly, majorly sucked. Sanctum Incendia have been together in its current state for about 8 months, with Rhianna (vocals) joining us about 5 months ago. We don't have a bassist, but y'know we don't REALLY need one with a good keyboardist! (Which we have!).
How did you meet? We all met through our local church (Yeah we're all Christians, but before you even think about judging us for that you should listen to the music! You might even like it!)
What kind of gear do you use? I (guitar and growl vocals) use a Vintage guitar, tuned to drop C. Not sure of the model, but it's spiky, red, awesome and has a floyd rose tremelo! Which is fun, but not useful for much in the way of rhythm. Trying to work it into the solos of our new stuff though! Matthew uses two Yamaha keyboards (plus stands) and Fraser uses one Yamaha keyboard. He also uses two drum kits, which we fused together in a rather awesome manner! One of them's a Peavey, and the other one is a Yamaha. The drum kit is pretty awesome too, we tune the Toms to a C minor arpeggio to give really interesting sounding fills. 5 TOMS!!! Plus two bass drums, a myriad of cymbals plus our own invention. A 'Clank' cymbal that we made from an old high hat. It's ridiculous!!
Is there an album that inspired you to join a band? 'Fallen' by Evanescence is what really got me into the whole heavier side of music. That was really the launching point where I found out that everything is better, louder!
What was the last album you bought? 'The Butcher's Ballroom' by Diablo Swing Orchestra. You should check them out! They're a pretty funky mix of different genres that works spectacularly.
What do you think of downloading music? It's a great way to find good bands that mainstream stores don't stock. I especially love what Google have done with Youtube, making all music accessible to anyone with a computer. It's great that you can hear of a band and find it on there!
Who would you say was your personal biggest influence? Musically? Bach and bands like Nightwish, After Forever, Kamelot are big on the influences list.
If you could trade places with another musician for a day, who would it be and why? Avril Lavigne... To change the rubbish music she records now into something awesome! I actually liked her first album... So I'd spend my day as her in the studio, and she'd wake up and realised she'd released a metal album, and people actually liked her music again! She might take a hint, you never know!
If you weren’t playing in a band, what do you think you’d be doing instead? I'd be very very bored probably. Being in a band takes alot of time and investment, which is good as it gives you something to work at every day rather than mulling around being a stereotypical teenager.
Where do you think the best metal is coming from at the moment? Definately Europe, Finland, Germany and that sort of thing. The metal from there is the best mainstream metal around at the moment. We really need to give the Scottish metal scene a boost! Anyone up for organising a Scottish metal fest? Any bands that know of venues, or venues that know of bands and want to do something like this, seriously get in touch with us to get it going! There's demand, all we need is the opportunity!
If you could only eat one kind of food, would it be savoury or sweet? Sweet.
What’s your favourite movie? Not sure. An interestin one I watched a while ago was 'Strings'. I generally like 'weird' movies. Thriller, horror, whatever. Amusement factor is a big one. A brilliant movie I've watched recently is the Scarlet Pimpenel. The acting is so ham-fisted that it makes it an absolute classic!
What was the last live show you went to (not including your own)? That would be Wishbone Ash in December of last year me thinks.
What do you have lined up next? We have a gig on November 8th, in Evanton. Just a small gig but we're happy to play anywhere! Also awaiting response on a series of support gigs for venues up here next year too.
Why should people check out your band?
1. We mix the best of classical music and metal into one melting pot, resulting in a unique and excellent sound.
2. We've got lots of inspiration left, currently got a 25 minute set perfected (5 songs) and working to expand our list of perfected songs to an hour or more.
3. I just wrote 2 new songs over the past week, which really gives you an idea of how much raw material we have to work with. Expect some fresh recordings at some point in December for sure!!
4. When everyone else finds us, you'll be able to say "Yeah, well I knew about them before you!" and own them. Which is always fun!
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Blatherskite News

As the above flier states, Blatherskite will be playing a show on the 28th of November at The Live House with The Angel Affair (headlining), Hybrid Nightmares (VIC) and Seneki. $10 cover charge at the door, an the show starts at 9pm.
The band is also still in search for a full time drummer. Here's the message fromt he band.
Blatherskite (Rock/Metal/Industrial/Prog, Sydney) seeking committed drummer, good gear, own transport. Willingness to tour. Love playing loud, with a good sense of dynamics, range from fast metal to slow fat grooves to strange time signatures. Launching our 4th studio album this year. Contact Tim on 0412 233 628 or blatherskite.saves@gmail.com. www.myspace.com/blatherskite email for tracks and tabs. Love you long time!
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Live Review - Skindred at Leeds Rio's - 31/10/08

Local Leeds crew Mishkin kick off the main part of the proceedings tonight. With a sound reminiscent at times of System of a Down and ironically, Skindred (in their heavier moments), their avant-garde mixture of metal, funk and even a touch of jazz should be enough to take them further in the near future.
Forever Never - 7/10:
Next up are Londoners Forever Never. Suitably dressed in wizard's costumes for Halloween, they are warmly received by an ever-growing crowd. With some decent riffs and a singer very capable of knocking out a decent melodic chorus or two, they go down pretty well. However, being sandwiched in between two bands as musically diverse as Mishkin and Skindred, their overall impact seems somewhat limited tonight.
Skindred - 9/10:
So to headliners Skindred who, tonight, manage to further cement their reputation as one of the best live bands in the UK right now. With an award for best costume of the night, frontman Benji Webbe is on top form from the word go, constantly moving around the stage like a blur, with a commanding presence that resonates with the now standing-room only crowd. From opener 'Roots Rock Riot' right until 'Nobody', Skindred never let up and the rest of the band match Benji's enthusiasm and drive all the way through, not to mention playing as tightly as an emo's waistband with 'Ratrace' and 'Pressure' being particular highlights of the evening.
After tonight though, and whenever you see Skindred, one thing is always clear - you leave the gig knowing it was damn good but it's not just the quality of the songs, it's something else as well and that something else is honesty. Skindred have never been a band who are 'in it for the money', they do this because they love it and that feeling literally jumps off the stage at you. Give me an honest, hard working and down to earth band like Skindred any day over so many that seem to be more obsessed with their haircuts and their tight jeans than the quality of their performance.
Roots Rock Riot
Rude Boy For Life
Destroy The Dancefloor
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Zimmers Hole drop out of Soilwork Euro Tour
Zimmmers Hole have had to pull out of the upcoming European Tour in support of Soilwork. They have released an official statement through their website http://www.legionofflames.com
Soilwork are to dedicate the tour to Gene and his family in their time of grief.
New US Metal Releases for 10/28/08
In the Shadow of a Thousand Suns
Beneath The Massacre
The Fathomless Mastery
Brutal Truth
For Drug Crazed Grind Freaks Only! Live At Noctum Studios 1
Burning The Masses
Mind Control
Cradle of Filth
Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder
Let There Be Blood (Re-Recording of classic Bonded by Blood)
Kill The Client
Landmine Marathon
Rusted Eyes Awake
Lord Belial
The Black Curse
In Narcosis
Your Demons, Their Angels
Omnium Gatherum
The Red Shift
22 Random Acts Of Violence
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Amon Amarth - Twilight Of The Thunder God CD Review

Amon Amarth are back with a powerful new album, Twilight Of The Thunder God. The bands 7th studio album was recorded at Fascination Street Studio in Örebro, Sweden, and was produced by Jen Borgen. The album features Johan Hegg on vocals, Olavi Mikkonen and Johan Söderberg on guitars, Ted Lundström on bass and Fredrik Andersson on drums. the album also features a few high profile guests including Lars Göran Petrov of Entombed doing some vocals on the track "Guardians of Asgaard", Roope Latvala of Children of Bodom adding some guitars on the title track and Apocalyptica adding some cellos on "Live for the Kill".
This yet another solid release for Amon Amarth, with 10 tracks of pure metal glory. Twilight Of The Thunder God, the title track, and the first song on the CD, is a great start for this record, with all the classic Amon Amarth style we've come to know and love. If you couldn't guess, they're still pushing the viking themes, which is great. They day they stop doing that is the day we'll mourn the loss of Amon Amarth, but if this album is any indication of the bands end, it's not for a very long time.
Highlights for me include Guardians of Asgard, Varyags of Miklagaard, The Hero, Live for the Kill and Embrace The Endless Ocean. The album also came with a live DVD that contains footage of the bands entire Summer Breeze 2007 show, which included a set of 13 songs, including Valhall Awaits Me, Asator, The Pursuit of Vikings, Fate Of Norns, and so forth. A great addition to an already awesome package.
The production on this album is really good, an improvement even on With Oden On our Side. The guitars are nice and heavy, and everything is in good balance with each other and sounds great. Jens has really outdone himself this time around. If you're a fan, or haven't heard this band before, get this album and give it a good listen, because it's bloody great! Worth it even just for the live DVD.
Twilight Of The Thunder God is now out through Metal Blade.
AC/DC banned on Scottish Radio
David ‘The Captain’ Grant the drive time DJ on ‘96.3 Rock Radio’ In Scotland, has placed an indefinite ban on AC/DC on his show.
Why ban such an iconic band? The reason for this is simple, they have failed to add a Scottish gig to there new tour.
The captain has vowed not to play any AC/DC until they do. He has said this ban will continue until they decide to play in Scotland, and has started an online petition to let the fans show there support of his decision. The petition will then be forwarded to the record company to let them know how the fans feel about this.
It may seam petty to some, but when you consider the facts behind this decision, you can see the logic behind his decision.
Although the band are considered Australian, Both Angus and Malcolm Young were born In Glasgow Scotland, and many of there family still reside in or around the Glasgow area. Many fans feel this is a betrayal, as in there eyes they are missing out what is effectively a ‘home town’ gig.
I have heard the argument that its all about record sales that make the record company’s decide where the bands play on a tour. The more albums sold the more chance of a sell out gig. This doesn’t work for 2 reasons.
1. The new album wasn’t on sale when the gigs were announced.
2. A band the size of AC/DC can dictate to a record company where they play. They are guaranteed a sell out wherever they play.
This is a case of Fan Power. The fans are angry, and one of them happens to be in a place where he can make his feelings heard on a large scale. Not only has he voiced his opinion, but he has the backing, support, and praise of many AC/DC fans in Scotland.
If you want to join the petition simply log on to http://www.rockradioscotland.co.uk/ find the link and add your name.
96.3 Rock Radio is available in and around the Glasgow area on standard radio, Edinburgh on DAB, and on the web at the above link.
David ‘The Captain’ Grant is on daily from 2 until 6 Monday to Friday and 12 until 6 Saturdays
Sunday, 19 October 2008
Wykked Wytch seek bassist.
Those interested in auditioning should contact the band through their myspace, and send along with a bio, photos, and links to examples of your playing (sound / video clips).
Contact them through http://www.myspace.com/wykkedwytch for more details. Their new album 'Memories of a Dying Whore' is out now.
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Mental Interrogation with This Weary Hour

Who? Eamonn and Seán of This Weary Hour
Myspace: www.myspace.com/thiswearyhour
How long have you been playing together?
Eamonn: The band started over a year ago, but a full line-up hasn’t been secured until fairly recently.
How did you meet?
Eamonn: Seán and I are from a small town, so we always knew each other in some respect.
What kind of gear do you use?
Seán: I play an Aria (have to check the model). I find it has a deep, round sound ideal for the music I play. With regards to amplification I am currently using one of the Vox Valvetronix models which I can get some great tone out of, however the various effects built into the amp seem somewhat of a gimmick so I'm planning to move onto something more old-school. I feel a lot more comfortable controlling my sound using my feet. At the moment I use a BOSS DS-1 pedal, which to be honest I find isn't great by itself, but I recently acquired a RAT which when used in conjunction with the BOSS can bring fuller, thicker crunch or fuzz (or whatever you are into) to the overall tone. Nice and brutal is what I aim for in terms of distortion.
Eamonn: This is my first band, so I’m a little behind in the gear aspect of things. Until recently, I basically borrowed what I needed from friends. I did pick-up a lovely Shure SM58 vocal mic last weekend and I’m very happy with it so far. The rest of the lads are busy acquiring various gadgets and guitars, and it’s all pretty expensive, so I guess I’m lucky in that respect.
Is there an album that inspired you to join a band?
Seán: I think that music in general has inspired me to be in a band. It was after TWH was conceived that we discovered our common influences. Mastodon's Leviathan probably had the most crucial effect on both myself and Eamonn. It has totally transformed how we observe and write music.
Eamonn: I have to agree with Seán there. It was through Leviathan that we found how similar our beliefs about music were. From there we introduced each other to loads of bands and musicians we wouldn’t have been exposed to normally, and eventually we started thinking that it’d be great if we could write stuff of our own. I think that we initially focused on doom because there’s a lot of freedom there and it’s a very honest form of music.
What was the last album you bought?
Seán: Sick of it All - Scratch the Surface.
Eamonn: I actually picked-up a few LPs the last time I went music shopping. I think it went something like: Moss – Sub Templum, Esoteric – The Maniacal Vale, Jex Thoth’s self titled debut, NIN –The Slip, and Grand Magus – Iron Will. So yeah, a nice helping of doom - or doom inspired – stuff.
What do you think of downloading music?
Seán: As with most musical controversies, there are positives and negatives. For fans of actual physical releases, like me, the whole thing has totally forced designers to push the boundaries of artwork, packaging etc. so we are getting far more intriguing record sleeves and CD cases these days. I think fans of independent labels and smaller bands enjoy this artwork and are more willing to pay for the product.
Eamonn: For me it’s quite simple: I love buying CDs. I love buying records. I think people are really missing-out when they don’t have the whole package, not to mention the drop in bit-rate and all that. I have been guilty of downloading music, but mostly because it’s an incredibly easy way to preview a band I’ve never heard before. I always end-up buying the stuff I like eventually.
Who would you say was your personal biggest influence?
Seán: My strongest musical influence is and always will be Rory Gallagher. He has explored so much ground within his music, both lyric-wise and genre-wise. I will always think of his songs as the purest and most honest anyone can be exposed to. He never played the same song twice and he was all about feeling. That's real music and I'm all for it. He's greatly missed.
Eamonn: The first real band I saw live was My Dying Bride. I might have been young and impressionable, but the emotion that (front-man) Aaron Stainthorpe showed in his performance has had a lasting effect. I’ve encountered plenty of other amazing performers since, but Aaron originally set the standard for me.
If you could trade places with another musician for a day, who would it be and why?
Seán: This is quite a difficult question because most of the bands I would have really liked to have been a part of have broken up. If anyone is familiar with the hardcore punk group Minor Threat they will have heard the name, Ian McKaye, vocalist and founder of Discord Records. I would love to have been in his shoes for a day back at the beginning of the American hardcore scene. If not McKaye, then any member of Electric Wizard! A jam with the Wizard would be an honour.
Eamonn: This would probably change for me every month, but right now I’d say anyone in Neurosis. I’d imagine performing live with those guys would be a wonderfully intense experience.
If you weren’t playing in a band, what do you think you’d be doing instead?
Seán: If I wasn't in TWH I see myself spending more time as a solo musician. I would have various guises to facilitate my interest in the other genres of music which I would play.
Eamonn: I’m a Fine Art student, which is proving to be very time-consuming, so I definitely wouldn’t be idle. But then, it was while working on stuff for TWH that I re-discovered my interest in art ...so I’m a little unsure when I think about it.
Where do you think the best metal is coming from at the moment?
Seán: As a fan of both European and American heavy music, for me, there seems to be a bit more quality metal coming from the States lately. When I first heard Mastodon a few years ago I began to realise this. From there I discovered bands like Converge and Neurosis, and through them, found a wealth of other groups, each new one completely different to the last. However, I think it’s noticeable in TWH that we take influence from these bands as well as our European heroes like My Dying Bride, Electric Wizard and Cathedral, to name the most prominent.
Eamonn: Right now I’m looking to labels, rather than geography for good music. Rise Above, Profound Lore, etc, have been putting out some great releases over the last while. I also think Ireland has a great underground metal scene that is oft over-looked internationally. This is starting to change though, and I hope it continues.
If you could only eat one kind of food, would it be savoury or sweet?
Seán: Sweet.
Eamonn: I would never give up an entire kind of food! You can’t make me! (MI - Ah my plan has been foiled!)
What’s your favourite movie?
Seán: If I had to choose a favourite it would be Donnie Darko.
Eamonn: A tie between “4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days”, “Mulholland Dr.”, “Apocalypse Now” and “Aliens”. Special mention to Star Wars, of course! ...I like too many films!
What was the last live show you went to (not including your own)?
Seán: Buddy Guy. Blues will always be my favourite form of music.
Eamonn: My friend, James from Altar of Plagues, recently started a 2-piece noisecore side-project, called Snails, which I recently witnessed causing havoc in a local pub. In terms of big names, the Graspop festival would be the latest event I’ve been to.
What do you have lined up next?
Seán: We hope to begin playing shows very soon.
Right now, we are in the process of finishing new material, which should be released before the end of the year. I think the upcoming songs will be somewhat of a departure from what we did on 'The Shadow of Time'. Not only have our inspirations changed but we have been joined by three new members, each with a variety of styles that will definitely have an impact on our music.
Eamonn: Yeah, the demo was a bit of a shot in the dark for us. I’d never been in a band before, and Seán was relatively new to this sort of music, so we were kind-of sticking to tried-and-true patterns and basically playing it safe. Considering the circumstances, I’m quite proud of it and the response has been great. I’m highly critical of it too, though. I want us to go much further with the new stuff. Now that we’ve had some time to soak in everything and have a clearer idea of the direction we’d like to follow, I believe that we can just let loose and write material that feels natural to us. We’re definitely going to revisit and expand on some of the areas we’ve already flirted with, but I know we have the potential to go way beyond that as well. It will be interesting to see how it all turns out.
Why should people check out your band?
Seán: Behind all the dark and heavy aspects to our material, I think this band is about making honest and original music, qualities that is more and more lacking with metal bands today.
Eamonn: As Seán said, honesty is important to us. In the long run, we hope our material will be meaningful and somewhat cathartic. We try to take influences from everywhere. We’ve had an encouraging start, and we’ll definitely be striving to make the most of it in the future.