As the above flier states, Blatherskite will be playing a show on the 28th of November at The Live House with The Angel Affair (headlining), Hybrid Nightmares (VIC) and Seneki. $10 cover charge at the door, an the show starts at 9pm.
The band is also still in search for a full time drummer. Here's the message fromt he band.
Blatherskite (Rock/Metal/Industrial/Prog, Sydney) seeking committed drummer, good gear, own transport. Willingness to tour. Love playing loud, with a good sense of dynamics, range from fast metal to slow fat grooves to strange time signatures. Launching our 4th studio album this year. Contact Tim on 0412 233 628 or blatherskite.saves@gmail.com. www.myspace.com/blatherskite email for tracks and tabs. Love you long time!
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