Hailing from Texas, Kellen (McGregor), along with Chase Ryan, Jeremy Grisham, Ryan Bentley, and Austin Radford have definately struck a chord in a scene where you can't usually define where one bands begins and another finishes.
Describing themselves as Rock / Hardcore on their myspace could do them a disservice as there is more to the band than these two pigeon holes. I defy anyone to give them a listen and not think the same. If their EP is anything to go by, these guys have enough up their sleeves to be running the show come the summer (US) festival circuit.
Anyway, on with the questions. 5 not so loaded questions and 1 hot topic, what has Kellen got to say, for himself and his band:
Is there one defining moment that made you guys realise that you wanted to play music in the first place?
We have all had music be a major thing in our lives in one way or another, and we are lucky that time and I suppose you could say fate brought us together. Some of us have been jamming together for a while now and this band is just us evolving.
What inspires you to get up on stage? Are there any bands that have inspired your on stage performance?
We just like to go out and have fun on stage and try and get the audience to have fun as well. As far as bands go, SOTY always was fun to watch and I think we like to bring a bit of their lightheartedness I suppose into parts of our lives and our shows.
What are your hopes for MMF? What do you want to achieve? World domination or Just artistic relief?
Sure we would love to be a successful band, but for right now, we just want to do this for a living and hope people enjoy it.
Since we are based in the UK I am sure our readers would like to know of any future touring plans for the UK and Europe?
No plans yet, but I imagine we'll be making a trip their in the next year though.
On that note, are there any bands out there you'd like to tour with?
There are a lot of bands we'd like to tour with! Big and small. There is a sweet local band from here called Belle Epoque that we'd like to tour with someday.
Finally, the music industry what it is these days, how do you feel about your music being downloaded?
This is always an interesting subject. We know for a fact that our E.P. has been downloaded thousands of times; we've seen the hits on those sites. I think we have all individually at one time or another been guilty of that just like everyone else. I'll tell you that your view changes quite a bit when you start to do this as a way of life though. When you live off of five dollars a day just to scrape by. They way we generally feel is that if you download our stuff and dig it, please go out and pick up a copy because that is the ONLY way we can continue to do this. I think a lot of bands feel that way too. If you find a band you like, go out and support them and buy some of their stuff, even if you already d-loaded it online.
As a downloader myself I feel the same way. Suck it and see. You download it and like it, then BUY IT!
MMF Myspace : http://www.myspace.com/memphismayfire
EP is available in the UK : here
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