Monday, 10 March 2008

Children of Bodom Australia / New Zealand Tour!!!

COB have just announced the dates for an Australia and New Zealand tour. It was 2005 the last time they set oot on our shores, and since then their popularity has grown to the point where they're either loved, or hated by many a 'fan', so this could be interesting. With two sold out Sydney shows on their last tour and a very positive reponse fromt he crowd, it seems they've upgraded venue and all for this round, so hopefully their new stuff goes down well with the crowd this time around.

Here are your precious dates:
20.06.2008 Brisbane - The Arena (all ages)/ OZ
22.06.2008 Melbourne - The Palace Theatre / OZ
24.06.2008 Sydney - The Enmore Theatre (all ages)/ OZ
26.06.2008 Auckland - The Transmission Room (all ages)/ NZ
28.06.2008 Adelaide - Fowler's Live (all ages) / OZ
30.06.2008 Perth - Capitol Theatre/ OZ

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