Who? Plug, guitarist of Midnight Realm.
Myspace: www.myspace.com/midnightrealmuk
How long have you been playing together? The band itself has been together for around 2 and a half years now, but we’ve only just recently found a full time line-up.
How did you meet? Strangely enough over Myspace, because of today’s technology it’s much easier to find people with relative interests at the click of a button. Robb (our bassist) has been a friend of mine for a while now and he agreed to join, And we quite literally found our drummer in the gutter outside our local pub (long story).
What kind of gear do you use? We use a range of instruments and equipment, because there’s 6 members in our group each of us has a different set up, I wont bore everyone with details, if they want to know they can always ask us, were always online haha, but to cut a long story short, Stephen (guitars) plays a custom shop 7 string, I will soon have my Gerlach custom shop 7 string, Robb plays Ibanez Basses, Al (keys) plays Yamaha and Sam our drummer plays
Trick drum pedals and Roland drums.
Is there an album that inspired you to join a band? Most definitely, there are 2 that really stick out of in my mind. Firstly Wintersun by Wintersun, Jari Maenpaa is my idol and hero; the guy completely changed my perspective of the music scene and what you can do with a guitar and the will to play something. Secondly it has to be the album Synchestra by The Devin Townsend Band, I bought it on a trip to York a couple of years back and it actually changed by life, it’s the only way I can express what that album meant to me, however, it is an album you have to listen from start to finish without stopping, so if your going to buy it then get ready for a whirlwind ride of polka and birdsong!
What was the last album you bought? Holographic Universe by Scar Symmetry. F**king fantastic album I would recommend it to anyone. (MI - I can second that one!)
What do you think of downloading music? Downloading music has both its pros and cons. I’m completely happy with people downloading music as long as its not complete discographies, full albums or they do it for any sort of financial gain. It's common knowledge now 99% of people have illegally downloaded, or been in contact with an illegal audio download at some point. It’s the price we pay for living in a technological world. And as much as music and record companies can b*tch about everyone doing it, it's helped them a hell of a lot over the years. Being a musician myself I know that it can cost if everyone downloads your music and doesn’t buy it. It can break a band before they have even got into their prime. However, many people download music as a taster of what the album is like, and if they like the music then they go out and buy a full album, and if they don’t then they delete the tracks. I have no problem with that whatsoever.
Who would you say was your personal biggest influence? Either Jari Maenpaa or probably my father; I’m indebted to him for going out and buying my first guitar and amp for me. If it wasn’t for him then I wouldn’t be doing what I do today.
If you could trade places with another musician for a day, who would it be and why? Hmm, probably Paul Gilbert, because who hasn’t wanted to wear a space suit and play guitar?!.... No just me then.
If you weren’t playing in a band, what do you think you’d be doing instead? Teaching, I still hope to do it one day, I took ceramics and I'd like to go back and teach children the skills I learned when I was their age. I’m currently in the middle of doing a degree in Glass and Ceramics, so if something doesn’t happen with the band then who knows!
Where do you think the best metal is coming from at the moment? The south of England. There seems to be a ton of bands that are really getting into their progressive and experimental music and it’s always good to see. Either that or Canada, there’s a lot of fantastic bands like Threat Signal and Paeredoks that are coming through and even though some of them are really young their musical maturity is astounding.
If you could only eat one kind of food, would it be savoury or sweet? I’d rather swap my eating for constant napping, I'm currently trying to break the world record for it.
What’s your favourite movie? Anchorman - 60% of the time… it works all the time.
What was the last live show you went to (not including your own)? I went to Glasgow to see Anaal Nathrakh in February, I know its been a long time since I’ve been to a live show, I’ve been too busy with music haha.
What do you have lined up next? Well, I’m currently getting ready to go for a nap, then I should be recording vocals with Midnight Realm for our new EP, after that I’m going to be practicing like hell in a new hardcore band that’s just started. Futures looking bright!
Why should people check out your band? Because if you don’t you could miss out on the greatest thing you never listened too, plus that and I really need a lady friend.. so if any attractive females in the north of England want to come and stop by and say hi feel free hahaha!
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